Seborrheic Dermatitis: Common But Frustrating

Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) mainly affects the scalp, face, chest, and eyelids, causing dandruff and eczema. It affects 11% of the population, particularly infants and adults aged 30-60 with naturally oily skin. Factors like regional weather, stress, and exposure to a yeast can aggravate the condition. Treatment aims to reduce redness and itchiness. Preventive measures include rest, hygiene, stress control, and sunlight exposure.

Modern vs. Traditional Medicine: A Battle for the Best Treatment

Cassandra Lee emphasizes the individualized response to remedies, supporting a future of combined modern and traditional medicine. While modern advancements have eradicated diseases, they also pose health risks. Natural remedies, like Chinese and Indian practices, offer potential alternatives. The future likely involves integrating both modern and traditional treatments, catering to individual needs.