Hormonal Contraceptives’ Impact on Mood

Hormonal contraception, such as pills and implants, can impact mood, causing mood swings, depression, and anxiety. Factors like age, dosage, delivery method, and continuous use play a role. Different methods have varying effects, with continuous pill use showing fewer mood swings. It’s challenging to predict individual responses, so it’s essential to consult healthcare providers for personalized advice.

Toxic Relationships: Definition, Signs, and Advice

“Love should never cost you your peace. It should never cost you your joy. It should never cost you your happiness. If there’s more negative in the situation than positive, something has to change” — Carolyn Gamble [1]. Author: Hadeel Alhadi  What is a toxic relationship?  A toxic relationship, according to professor Lillian Glass, isContinueContinue reading “Toxic Relationships: Definition, Signs, and Advice”

How to Care for Your Mental Health During Remote Learning: A Student’s Advice

As protective measures during COVID-19 persist, many students have transitioned to virtual learning. From an increased workload to adapting to new online learning tools, virtual education is adding to the stress caused by isolation, fear, and financial struggles. While the challenges of online learning should be addressed institutionally, there are few things students can doContinueContinue reading “How to Care for Your Mental Health During Remote Learning: A Student’s Advice”

Fine Tuning Melodies into Medicine

Author: Juliane Feliciano. “With music therapy becoming an increasingly known method for improving health outcomes for patients of various physical and mental ailments, the hope for the future is to explore the full potential of sound and its benefits, and see how music can truly be medicine.”